Type and scope of services provided

AI Journey: Data Collaboratives

• Design of AI use cases
• Leading stakeholder consultations with top clinical and technology experts across Europe
• Setting up governance model
• Development of Minimum Viable product (MPV)
• Design of data collaborative technology architecture
• Leading GAIA X engagement
• Project management



Gastric cancer kills one million patients every year, making the fourth-most lethal form of cancer in the world. Early diagnosis is difficult and expensive, and late diagnosis can be fatal.


This is where big data can offer a solution. By combining all the available ‘fuzzy’, low-quality data on the subject and cross-correlating the data to derive a ‘risk factor’ for gastric cancer, an earlier diagnosis can be established with greater accuracy than could be inferred from the individual data sets. The project objective is to develop and validate a data-agnostic, data-driven, AI-powered data collaborative that combines various federated data sets on gastric cancer. It is designed as a decisionsupport tool for better health care delivery and policy making. The data collaborative concerns not just the technology, also the legal and organisational structure, the governance and everything else that articulates the data collaborative, but also the construction process that leads to the data collaborative, involving the entire ecosystem that surrounds the use case.


Early prevention of gastric cancer. With this data collaborative, health care organisations, industry and policymakers adopt robust modelling algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions in support of health care decision-making processes (eg. reducing the annualized mean net cost of Care for gastric cancer, which is today in the order of 100.000 EUR per year per patient).


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